End Note 2020


Life doesn't draw a finish line for any1 , it never ends nor does it have a stop.  

Fighting for what you deserve despite every odds  ,  happens every day cuz  facing challenges and crossing obstacles does not end its kind of a loop that repeats its coarse. 

Not much joy , happiness , peace ,love was ever found  this year . Was it worth ? To pass thru very turmoil , depression  , rejection , hardship , hurt and  break up to make through this year . 

YES!! here is the year end note 

It definitely wasn't a great year or even the best for any of us . This year was preciously one of those worst , exhausting an unimaginable nightmare  . It really  felt like going on a roller coaster  passing through depression , brokenness 8,  confusions , anger yet Was it worth ? 

Its by default , when we go through an emotional turmoil there this millions of thoughts running in our mind , that literally places us on the crossroads  an sumtimes we  have second thoughts , it wasn't easy  to cross the phase .

Balancing our work with  family is not like day dreaming We weren't  given much choices ,  support or wasn't even  backed up by  our fam but here is today the 31st Dec 2020 how did we ever make it ? Was it worth ? 

HATS OFF 🙌  to that every person who stayed strong as a shield for themselves , for standing their ground when choice was not even an option in life  an having to withstand every hardship. 

It as only taken us one step closer to bravery , to risk it alone .

Here we Survived with bravery , dignity an growing strong on the inside  

It was  Worth in the End of 2020 


Hepzi 💕💞💕


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