
Showing posts from November, 2021

" HERSELF " voice of a common WOMEN

Hey guys !!!! Phewww ...... incidents , situations and affliction's drive me to write  at times. This one is definitely  coming out of my adversity. Every  women , like to stress on the  word " WOMEN "  who are said to be  fragile , reserved , wounded an completely the writer of her story. She is bonded by rules an is given a parameter  for her boundaries . She finds her life dictated by the people  around her , find a job by 25 get married at 28 have  kids by 30 enroll your child  in school at 34 take care of your in- law at 40 cus they are old  com' on  wen does she get to live her  life ?  where does she have a say ? Y does a women's life has to be systematic by following every order an rule.  She is muted  to her own opinions.  Where as the  change happened ? Will the society  stop thinking  towards accustomed traditions? I  as an individual ,  as a "Women " have desires , different lifestyle , realizations . She  cannot  be contained  into 4 walls o