" HERSELF " voice of a common WOMEN

Hey guys !!!!

Phewww ...... incidents , situations and affliction's drive me to write  at times. This one is definitely  coming out of my adversity.

Every  women , like to stress on the  word " WOMEN"  who are said to be  fragile , reserved , wounded an completely the writer of her story. She is bonded by rules an is given a parameter  for her boundaries . She finds her life dictated by the people  around her , find a job by 25 get married at 28 have  kids by 30 enroll your child  in school at 34 take care of your in- law at 40 cus they are old  com' on  wen does she get to live her  life ?  where does she have a say ? Y does a women's life has to be systematic by following every order an rule.  She is muted  to her own opinions.  Where as the  change happened ? Will the society  stop thinking  towards accustomed traditions? I  as an individual ,  as a "Women " have desires , different lifestyle , realizations . She  cannot  be contained  into 4 walls or given into a family  of 4 members ... Hear her Out  !!!!!!  Back her  up in her decisions ... hold her in her fall ..... clean her messes .... give a hand  wen she is damaged... being a pessimist will refrain  her from her potential.  she deserves to have " HERSELF" for once in her lifetime. Don't teach her to be accustomed  to the tradition of a family , teach her to become a  dictator of her life.  

" let her rule the one life that you( i.e., people around) have  given , let her be the queen , the king , the princess of her  lifetime . Let  her experience  the good , bad , hurt , pain , rejection , love , discomfort,  disbelief so on an so forth....she might not b a Beyoncé or a Angelina with fame and luxury but she definitely  earned every step an still thriving  on every step of her life. 

 She  is yet another common  WOMEN struggling through  the challenges  of her own.  

Give her the one thing that she deserves   " HERSELF " 



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