
Religiously Independent🖤🖤🖤🖤

Hi all    End of the year 2022 ......... A year of 365 days definitely teaches us something, it's also an eye-opener in many experiences that we have gone through.  One that has struck me to the very last bit is that anyone can be a saint. you can be rooted in your religious belief. you can preach as much as the values of your religion. You can even save and turn as many souls as possible to your GOD. but I guarantee you that when it comes to "Oneself" or "Family" everyone is a  self-centred and selfish person.  Every value read in the book is just a piece of paper and ink. U and I are not ready to compromise our desires, not ready to follow the values that we preach to the millions. Cus our thoughts, and desire reign over any religion.    Respect for religious values can be built individually, you don't need anyone to influence or lead the way. "what great impact would others create when values preached is only a piece of paper". 

Conscious Sense 👀

Dear all  💚 Nobody is "The perfect human or example". Each one is either selfish or self-centered at the end of the day. It doesn't matter the fame someone has reached or how generous they have been to help others or they might be the most inspiring and motivational human being to another or they might give the best advice to the other to be "oneself" or "even say, love yourself u r just perfect in your own way". All this is only good to preach cus the person trying to be optimistic about the world hasn't been in the other person's shoes "LITERALLY". Being generous and supportive to the underprivileged kids or the unnoticed and unloved person is flawed, it is essential to demonstrate the actions that are preached.   None of us are ready to follow the advice that is often given to others. If happen to be an inspiration to others, it is significant to follow in the footsteps of their own advice. Live by example not just by words. Actio

!! Toxic Environment !!

  Toxic!!! is what I hear  Many of us have walked passed this word, it is something we all hear and see from time to time through different modes of communication. wat does it try to communicate? Y does it circulate  through the society rapidly?  Everyone have experience with toxic people and some have toxic relationship. We all face these toxins in the society, workplace, school, college, family  and even at home. We hardly meet people who are considerate and grateful back.  These toxic people create an insidious impact on others , they can be a negative vibe , a demotivator , people who judge others , a close member who fails to understand others .Could be abused verbally and physically by those people. They might break us to pieces and shatters.  Once born, life does make things around easier, every phase as a new problem and a challenge , we meet new people who accidently enter and some people who are intentional. It is very important to decide who we let  to  bring a change our li

" HERSELF " voice of a common WOMEN

Hey guys !!!! Phewww ...... incidents , situations and affliction's drive me to write  at times. This one is definitely  coming out of my adversity. Every  women , like to stress on the  word " WOMEN "  who are said to be  fragile , reserved , wounded an completely the writer of her story. She is bonded by rules an is given a parameter  for her boundaries . She finds her life dictated by the people  around her , find a job by 25 get married at 28 have  kids by 30 enroll your child  in school at 34 take care of your in- law at 40 cus they are old  com' on  wen does she get to live her  life ?  where does she have a say ? Y does a women's life has to be systematic by following every order an rule.  She is muted  to her own opinions.  Where as the  change happened ? Will the society  stop thinking  towards accustomed traditions? I  as an individual ,  as a "Women " have desires , different lifestyle , realizations . She  cannot  be contained  into 4 walls o

Evolve to be a Change

 I rather portrait  myself as evolved , because that is what I have become over the years. Looking for closure over my lost love , trying to figure out my future , debating within me about marriage , I didn't find myself in a spot relaxing unless I face my issues head on . I did calculations inside , tried to confide in people who would least care made things complicated than before , making me realize I stranded every inch of my life.   If I had to make things right  or make things fall in place one at a time . I had to resolve my distressing issues one at a time too. To begin  with , finding closure that was lost. Wen starting something that ended on the solution of impossibilities , u rekindle the buried past that will definitely hurt . But on the  note of getting a closure it was completely  liberating to move forward leaving the past behind .  Having to move forward it only made things better and right , allowing  things fall in the exact places it needed to be . Having to be

End Note 2020

Hi Life doesn't draw a finish line for any1 , it never ends nor does it have a stop.   Fighting for what you deserve despite every odds  ,  happens every day cuz  facing challenges and crossing obstacles does not end its kind of a loop that repeats its coarse.  Not much joy , happiness , peace ,love was ever found  this year . Was it worth ? To pass thru very turmoil , depression  , rejection , hardship , hurt and  break up to make through this year .  YES!! here is the year end note  It definitely wasn't a great year or even the best for any of us . This year was preciously one of those worst , exhausting an unimaginable nightmare  . It really  felt like going on a roller coaster  passing through depression , brokenness 8,  confusions , anger yet Was it worth ?  Its by default , when we go through an emotional turmoil there this millions of thoughts running in our mind , that literally places us on the crossroads  an sumtimes we  have second thoughts , it wasn't easy  to c